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Hotel Bahía Calpe

Beach within 300m
Direct access to the beach
More responsible stay
Green Key : a standard of excellence for environmental responsibility in tourism
24 Avenida Valencia, 3710 Calpe, Spain
Hotel Bahía Calpe
€ 174
1 night from 04/06 to 05/06

Customer reviews

Last comment

Robert Martinez

il y a 3 weeks sur Google

Nice play to stay for holidays in Calpe. I went for dance festivals many times there and always have fun!!! Buffet is good, only wine included feels low quality. Only negative thing I can say is that doesn't change the towels until you spent 4 days in hotel. However I requested new ones in my third day and they provided! Thanks!!


Green Key

Green Key

Green Key : a standard of excellence for environmental responsibility in tourism



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Hotel Bahía Calpe
  - persons from 04/06/2024 to 05/06/2024
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